A lot of companies have announced their full year earnings in the last few months. I have been updating my own models but never got to actually publishing updates on the companies I have written up before. In the meantime, I have been thinking a lot about how to deal…
Category: Earnings Update
Dream International has acquired the Tarpaulin business from C & H. Mr Kyoo Yoon Choi, the controlling shareholder of Dream International holds 61.95% of C & H. So it is a connected transaction. The total consideration is around 125 million HKD. The revenue acquired totals 322 million HKD and 389…
Dream released its interim earnings for the first half of the year on 26/08/2019. When I did the previous analysis, I ignored the seasonality that Dream exhibits between the first and the second half of the year. To interpret the interim earnings we need to take this seasonality into account.…